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Parent Service Hours

Volunteer Hours Automated Tracking

A few guidelines to help us keep costs down:

  • Families with two parents in the same household (40-hour annual requirement) should register once, using a shared email address to track hours.
    • For example, John & Jane Smith would register one email address, and both parents would use that email/password combination to track the family’s pool of hours.
  • Families with one parent, or separate households (20-hour per parent annual requirement) may use separate email addresses to track their time.
    • Each parent’s time will be tracked separately.

 Get Started!

  • Go to  (or download the app). 
  • Enter your First and Last Name. You can enter both parents’ first names in the First Name field if you’d like to, but it is not required.
  • Enter one parent’s date of birth. St. Charles does not use this information for any purpose, but it is required to register.
  • Leave the “Employer, School, etc.” field on the online registration form BLANK. You will enter an Organization Code in your profile once enrolled.
  • Enter the e-mail address you will use for tracking hours. Families with both parents in the same household should use one address per family as described above.
  • Create a password and enter it in both password fields. 
  • Click Next to complete your registration.

Note: If you already have a MobileServe account, skip the registration steps above and simply add our organization code to your profile. 

Entering the Organization Code

  • Mobile App
    • After you have registered, log in and then tap the Menu icon, then tap the settings icon next to your name.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap the Join Organization button.
    • Enter code B46D4B in the Enter Code box
    • Tap the Done button.
  • Website
    • After you have registered, log in and click the Settings button in the left navigation menu.
    • Click the Organizations link above your name.
    • Click Join an Organization
    • Enter code B46D4B in the Enter Code box
    • Click the Join button 

Tracking Hours

Once you’ve registered, simply enter your hours. We’ve created a set of volunteer categories to choose from. If you don’t find your activity in the list, simply select the “Other” option. MobileServe will track the hours you enter.

A few notes on tracking hours:

  • There is no need to use the “Attach My Location” option when tracking,
  • Please do not use the “Loop in Your Leaders” option. Once you enter hours they will be automatically tracked, so there is no need to send an email to the school when you enter hours.
  • There is no need to submit your signature  

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is MobileServe free?  MobileServe is free for families to use. The school pays an annual per-user fee, which is why we ask families with both parents in the same household to use a shared logon. This will allow us to keep our cost to a minimum.
  2. Should I set up an account for my child(ren)? No, we will set up accounts for students in 7thand 8th grades, using their Google Classroom email addresses. Please do not create a separate account for your child(ren) as this will impact our ability to accurately track student hours.
  3. I don’t have an iOS or Android device. Can I still use MobileServe for tracking? Yes! Simply go to to track your hours.
  4. I don’t want to track online. Can I still use the paper tracking process? Paper tracking and reporting is a manual, time-consuming process for St. Charles. We ask all families to track hours via MobileServe so our staff can concentrate on serving our St. Charles students and families

Parent Service Hour Requirements

Annual Service Hour Requirement:  40 hours per 2-parent family; 20 hours per 1-parent family

We are blessed to have many opportunities for parents to volunteer on campus! While family service hours are required, we know that many families contribute more than the basic requirement. Because of such dedication and support, St. Charles is able to provide students with fun and enriching experiences that foster student growth and strengthen the community.

The Parent Service Program Contract is distributed to all families at the beginning of each school year. Parents select the areas of greatest interest and/or convenience for their volunteer efforts.

All familes must record their volunteer service hours using MobileServe, and the School reviews total hours per family throughout the year.

Thank you in advance for the time you shall contribute, because without the help of dedicated and generous volunteers, many of our enrichment programs would not be available for students.