The St. Charles Parish Adult Choir
(11:00 am Sunday Mass)
Our adult choir will be back from summer break soon and we need you! No prior experience needed; only the love of singing for God. We sing at the 11:00 am Mass as well as holidays and our Christmas Concert.
If you are interested in joining, we meet every Thursday from 7:30-9:00 pm in the church and then on Sunday mornings before Mass at 10:15 am.
Our first rehearsal for the fall season will begin on Thursday, September 10th at 7:30 pm.
Hope to see you there!!
The St. Charles Parish Children’s Choir
(8:30 am Sunday Mass)
We want to invite your child to join our Children's Choir here at St. Charles. It is open to all kids from 3rd-8th grade from the parish and the school. We sing at the 8:30 am Family Mass once a month during the school year. We also sing at Christmas and Easter and perform in our Christmas Concert. Participation is seasonal from Sept-Dec and then from Jan-May so that those who may have seasonal commitments like sports can still participate for one of the sessions.
*** We now have a new meeting time.Tuesdays from 3:15-4:15 pm in the church.***If your child is interested in joining the choir, we invite your child to join us for our first meeting/rehearsal on Tuesday, September 8th from 3:15-4:15 pm in the church. At pickup, there will have a brief meeting (4:15-4:30 pm) for parents and guardians who pick up/drop off to fill out emergency cards. Our kids are a big part of this church community and we would love to see many of them participate in the choir!
Youth Choir
(5:00 pm Sunday Mass)
Attention all those in high school and young adults!! You are always welcome to join us in worship at the 5:00 pm Mass on Sundays. We invite both singers and instrumentalists to join our group. We have our rehearsal right before Sunday Mass at 4:00 pm. If you need volunteer hours for Confirmation, this is a great way to serve!!
**We are currently looking for a pianist for this group. If you are interested in applying, please contact Sara Murphy.**
If you have any questions or want to learn more about our music program, please contact Sara Murphy at (650) 591-7349 ext. 412, or email her at smurphy@stcharlesparish.org
Adult Choir
Register online for the Adult Choir
Download and complete this form and return to St Charles Parish, 880 Tamarack Avenue, ATTN: Adult Choir, San Carlos, CA 94070
Children's Choir
Register online for the Children's Choir
Download and complete this form and return to St Charles Parish, 880 Tamarack Avenue, ATTN: Children's Choir, San Carlos, CA 94070
Youth Choir
Register online for the Youth Choir
Download and complete this form and return to St Charles Parish, 880 Tamarack Avenue, ATTN: Youth Choir, San Carlos, CA 94070