Middle School Ministry

    (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8)

    In many respects middle schoolers are on the edge because so much is going on in their lives. They are on the edge of transitioning out of childhood into adolescence. It can be a very stressful and difficult time for them and parents, too!


    As a Catholic community, we at St. Charles want to give our middle school youth the edge they need in life: Jesus, the Word, the Eucharist, and the Church!



    Mon, Sept 11 and 18 
    EDGE Leadership Team Training

    7-8:30 pm, Small Hall (Leadership team only)
    Leaders, please plan to attend BOTH NIGHTS of training.


    2017-2018 SCHEDULE


    7:00 to 8:00 pm in Borromeo Hall



    Fall EDGE Session…JESUS 

    September 25 – Welcome to the Edge

    October 2 – Jesus and Prayer

    October 9 & 16 – No Edge

    October 23 – Jesus and My Catholic Faith

    October 30 – Jesus and Forgiveness

    October 31 No Edge

    *November 6 – Jesus and Serving Others
    *November 13 – Jesus and Giving Thanks

    *Please bring food items for St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive (watch for flyer).  


    The Sacrament of Reconciliation in Advent: Please watch your email for special offering of this sacrament in Advent


    Winter/Spring EDGE Session…People of the New Testament

    January 29– St. Joseph: Commitment

    February 5 – The Blessed Virgin Mary: Full of Grace

    February 12 – St. John the Baptist: Radical Living

    February 19 – No Edge (President's Holiday)

    February 26 – St. Mary Magdalene: Devoted Follower

    March 5 – St. Peter: The Rock

    March 12 – St. Paul: Spread the Good News! 

    March 19 – Family Potluck/Slide Show/Edge Certificates (Parents and siblings invited.) Starts at a special time: 6:30pm