• Sunday Morning Children's Ministries

    The Sunday 8:30 am Mass is a Family Affair - More info here - Family Mass tab

    St Charles has programs for children of all ages:

    Preschoolers ages 3 years through Kindergarten can make new friends in the Little Angels program. 

    Children in grades 1st through 4th participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word.  It takes place at the 8:30 Mass on Sunday Mornings behind the altar in the church.   The children gather in age groups (1st-4th grades) for a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to the children’s level of understanding. This experience parallels the Liturgy of the Word for adults in content, structure and symbolism.   Parents are always welcome to accompany their children to help them feel more secure for the first few times that they attend.