• Student Achievement

    Student achievement is measured, analyzed, and monitored throughout the school year. The Renaissance STAR Testing Program provides teachers with a detailed learning plan for each student, and thus the insight necessary to personalize instruction. If a student is identified as demonstrating below-grade-level performance or is "at-risk" of low academic performance, support structures are put into place. Student Study Teams, various interventions, and additional assessments support student growth. 

    St. Charles’ 8th grade students experience high levels of acceptance into multiple Catholic high schools. Acceptance rates remain at levels greater than 98%, across all high schools in the Bay Area, including St. Ignatius College Preparatory, Archbishop Riordan, Mercy High School in Burlingame, Notre Dame Belmont, Junipero Serra, St. Francis, Sacred Heart Preparatory, Woodside Priory, and Archbishop Bellarmine College Preparatory. According to principals and teachers at Bay Area Catholic high schools, St. Charles School graduates are well prepared and perform well upon attendance.

  • Resource Program

    The Resource Program at St. Charles School addresses the needs of students in grades K-8 who have a diagnosed learning disability (per professional testing) as well as those who are identified by teachers as being at risk of lower achievement, based on classroom performance and response to intervention. Students are referred to the resource specialist after teachers have deployed multiple classroom interventions to support improvement, yet still present specific learning needs.

    If a student demonstrates insufficient response to such interventions, the resource specialist completes the Response to Intervention form with direct input from the classroom teachers. A Student Study Team (SST) meeting is conducted with parents, teachers, and administration to specify the student’s strengths and weaknesses, discuss specific concerns, and develop an action plan. Resource program classes meet twice weekly; K-6 students meet during the school day and students in grades 7-8 meet before school begins.  Added, targeted instruction and time on task help students meet grade level expectations.

  • Beyond Academics—Promoting Social Development

    St. Charles School understands that educating the whole child is more than just academics. It is our mission as a Catholic school to provide students with opportunities for the multidisciplinary education they need to develop responsibility and demonstrate STAR student expectations in this 21st Century. 

    A variety of academic enrichment opportunities such as enrichment classes, guest speakers, yearbook, science fair, outdoor education, CYO retreat, and field trips provide varied experiences that enhance the student experience.

    Spiritual Development and Catholic Identity

    St. Charles School provides a variety of opportunities for students to participate in activities that align with the school Mission and develop Student Learning Expectations. Programs support and strenghten students through community involvement, faith formation, and extra curricular activities.  In partnership with parents, St. Charles School provides a rich environment for students' spiritual, personal, and academic growth.

    Students are actively involved in daily prayer and Catholic traditions throughout the year, beginning with Morning Assembly and continued throughout the day in the classroom. Students in all grades participate in monthly school Masses (weekly during Lent).  Student lead and actively participate in school liturgies by proclaiming the Word, reading Prayers of the Faithful, cantoring, altar serving, and presenting the gifts of bread and wine. Three schoolwide presentations of the Stations of the Cross are led by students in grades 6-8 during Lent. Students also prepare and organize prayer services for Special Persons' Day, Thanksgiving, Holy Thursday, and the close of the school year. A schoolwide retreat is held each spring, which involves in-classroom reflections, cross-grade-level activities, and a whole-school celebratory prayer service. All students learn Catholic Social Teachings, devote time to reflection and service in the name of these teachings, and present their understandings to panels of parent/parishioners each spring.

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    St. Charles School offers many co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, which are managed by members of the staff and/or parent volunteers. Students in grades 4-8 participate in the Peninsula Parish Sports League (PPSL) in baseball, volleyball, and basketball.  PPSL Track and Field is open to all students in grades 5-8, and cheerleading is available to students in grade 8. Through athletics the school promotes Chrisitan values and practices such as praying before games and practicing good sportsmanship and teamwork.

    The school offers a variety of non-competitive, inter-grade, extra-curricular activities for students, including Community Service Club, Student Leadership Teams, Scouting, Church Choir, and Homework Club. Such activities foster creativity and promote positive communication and cooperation among students.