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The studies of physical, life, and earth science are taught in the K-8 science program through FOSS Full Option Science System which provides hands-on experience to foster understanding of the scientific process and is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Students observe phenomena, test ideas, apply new understanding to engineering problems, and develop comprehensive science notebooks. Science teachers are experienced and certificated in the teaching of science.  A teacher's aide dedicated to science manages materials preparation to ensure all classes have substantive hands-on lab experiences. Students in kindergarten learn to document their thinking (pictures), and students in each successive grade learn to take notes, collect and analyze data, and form (and refute, reform, revise or verify) hypotheses about their findings.


Teachers guide student learning through exploration, analysis, application, and explanation—in short, to think like scientists. NGSS standards are woven consistently through all grade levels, yet give instructors the freedom to make science meaningful and enjoyable. FOSS is fully supported with a complete portfolio of digital resources such as online investigations to augment hands-on experiences, ebooks, and streaming videos.


Students in grades 5-8, have the option to participate in a science fair by developing and conducting an experimental or engineering project.  This opportunity provides substantive opportunities for project-based learning and integrated skill development in inquiry, research, speaking, and writing. Students engage in the pursuit of a question through the scientific process. Community members (school parents, parishioners, local scientists) serve as real-life mentors who discuss project findings, data trials, and probable theories on the outcomes of each student's work.  This integrated and collaborative experience is rich with cross-curricular and real-life experiences. Students have the opportunity to move on to the San Mateo STEM Fair and even the California State Science Fair.

Outdoor Education in the Marin Headlands for grade 6, and the Marine Science Lab on the San Francisco Bay in grade 7 take students into the outdoor environment for first-hand exploration of science in the real world.