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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

St. Charles School is guided by a strategic plan of four guideposts: Maintaining Catholic Identity in a Secular Society, Funding the Future, Developing 21st Century Learners,  and Marketing the Mission.  Highlights of the plan include: 

Maintaining Catholic Identity in Secular Society

Clearly communicate the mission and foster Catholic Identity

  1. Teach to Gospel values
  2. Center on the Eucharist
  3. Commit to faith formation, academic excellence, and service
  4. Evangelize the Gospel
  5. Focus on Catholic social teachings

Offer rigorous academic program for religious studies

  1. Ensure catechesis in the Catholic Faith
  2. Integrate faith, culture and life
  3. Evaluate 2 standards of Catholic Identity annually

Provide opportunities for student faith formation outside the classroom

  1. Participate in liturgical and communal prayer
  2. Provide service in social justice

Provide opportunities for adult faith formation and action in service of social justice

  1. Develop adult faith formation inclusive of parents, faculty, and staff
  2. Educate parents on Christian service and character education programs
  3. Streamline availability of sacramental preparation and offering


Developing 21st Century Learners

Provide programs and services aligned with the mission

  1. Enrich the academic program
  2. Support the development of student and family life
  3. Enchance teachers' development of 21st century learning

Provide rigorous curriculum

  1. Align with current Common Core and NGSS content standards, including 21st Century skills: collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, communication, technology integration
  2. Integrate Gospel values and develop understanding of principles of Catholic social teaching
  3. Deliver through effective teaching, project-based learning, differentiated instruction, ongoing formative assessment

Implement multiple assessments to document student learning, measure program effectiveness, and inform the review of the curriculum


Funding the Future

Provide a feasible 3-to-5 year financial plan

    1. Include current and projected budgets
    2. Incorporate faithful stewardship and collaboration

Develop and maintain technology management and facilities management plans

Grow The Tiger Fund, a St. Charles School Endowment for the benefit of long-term viability of Catholic education 


Marketing the Mission

Develop an integrated marketing plan to maintain robust enrollment

We are St. Charles