Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
St. Charles School is guided by a strategic plan of four guideposts: Maintaining Catholic Identity in a Secular Society, Funding the Future, Developing 21st Century Learners, and Marketing the Mission. Highlights of the plan include:
Maintaining Catholic Identity in Secular Society
Clearly communicate the mission and foster Catholic Identity
- Teach to Gospel values
- Center on the Eucharist
- Commit to faith formation, academic excellence, and service
- Evangelize the Gospel
- Focus on Catholic social teachings
Offer rigorous academic program for religious studies
- Ensure catechesis in the Catholic Faith
- Integrate faith, culture and life
- Evaluate 2 standards of Catholic Identity annually
Provide opportunities for student faith formation outside the classroom
- Participate in liturgical and communal prayer
- Provide service in social justice
Provide opportunities for adult faith formation and action in service of social justice
- Develop adult faith formation inclusive of parents, faculty, and staff
- Educate parents on Christian service and character education programs
- Streamline availability of sacramental preparation and offering
Developing 21st Century Learners
Provide programs and services aligned with the mission
- Enrich the academic program
- Support the development of student and family life
- Enchance teachers' development of 21st century learning
Provide rigorous curriculum
- Align with current Common Core and NGSS content standards, including 21st Century skills: collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, communication, technology integration
- Integrate Gospel values and develop understanding of principles of Catholic social teaching
- Deliver through effective teaching, project-based learning, differentiated instruction, ongoing formative assessment
Implement multiple assessments to document student learning, measure program effectiveness, and inform the review of the curriculum
Funding the Future
Provide a feasible 3-to-5 year financial plan
- Include current and projected budgets
- Incorporate faithful stewardship and collaboration
Develop and maintain technology management and facilities management plans
Grow The Tiger Fund, a St. Charles School Endowment for the benefit of long-term viability of Catholic education
Marketing the Mission
Develop an integrated marketing plan to maintain robust enrollment